Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Keep Politics Out of Our Courts -- Vote NO on Amendment 3, Tues. Nov. 6

Thanks go to Missouri Jobs with Justice for reminding us not to forget about the issues on the ballot when we vote.  

 Missouri Judicial Appointment Amendment, Amendment 3 - Currently Missouri is a national model for keeping politics out of the judicial selection process. Amendment 3 would give the Governor a majority control over the body that recommends Missouri’s Supreme Court justices, thereby giving him effective power to appoint individuals to the Supreme Court. 

Jobs with Justice believes politics should stay out of the judiciary and supports the current non-partisan process. We encourage you to vote no on Amendment 3.

Lastly, what do Missouri Governors think about it? Both Democratic incumbent Jay Nixon and Republican challenger Dave Spence have come out against Amendment 3. Even the politicians who would benefit from this Amendment passing know better. For more information check out:

Amendment 3

Official Ballot Title:
        Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to change the current nonpartisan selection of supreme court and court of appeals judges to a process that gives the governor increased authority to:

 appoint a majority of the commission that selects these court nominees; and

appoint all lawyers to the commission by removing the requirement that the governor's appointees be nonlawyers?

For the Full Text of Amendment 3, visit this page on the Secretary of State's website. For the Fair Ballot Language, visit this page on the Secretary of State's website. To see the full list of MO JwJ's recommendations on this election's Propositions and Amendments, click here

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