Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Waters on Teacher Unions

What a surprise to get an editorial from Hank Waters on collective bargaining for teachers!  It will be his turn to be surprised when the Columbia MNEA wins the right to bargain and a strong collaborative relationship between the district and teachers is the result.  

Let's take a minute to correct a few of Mr. Waters misconceptions.  His editorial follows.

Hank may believe things are "tranquil" when a teacher's group doesn't speak up about teacher concerns, but unresolved issues don't disappear - they fester and undermine morale and the entire school district.  What Mr. Waters calls "aggressive" is really advocacy and a belief that being tranquil and standing still does nothing to improve teachers working conditions and the education of our students. 

Hank says, "CMNEA wants an election among teachers to approve it as the bargaining agent, cutting out the older group."  An election is the democratic process that we use in the United States of America to choose our representatives.  No group is cut out.  One group is chosen because a majority of the teachers believe it best represents their interests and values.  All teachers are represented by the chosen group.

Waters says, "The old days of friendly collaboration between teachers and the board are ending..."  Actually, including teachers in the decision making of the district through bargaining will be the beginning of collaboration.  

I'm sure the teachers who belong to the CMNEA were surprised by Hank's assertion that they would be willing to strike if state law didn't prohibit striking.  Maybe Hank polled the 560 members of CMNEA, but my I guess is this statement is just his uninformed opinion.  I know I've never heard teachers longing to strike! 

The district will benefit from an open discussion of problems and solutions.  Collective bargaining is a process that allows all voices to be heard and decisions to be made together.  Of course there will be disagreements, but they will be resolved and the results will become part of a written agreement that is binding on both sides.    
The Columbia Board of Education faced inevitable trouble when it authorized two groups to represent teachers, but it had little choice.
Traditionally, teachers had belonged to the Missouri State Teachers Association, a non-provocative group that held friendly talks with school officials about employment issues. Then came the local chapter of the National Education Association, a real union seeking collective bargaining status. CMNEA — the Columbia Missouri National Education Association — is bringing more pressure on the board for recognition.
To resolve the battle, CMSTA — the Columbia Missouri State Teachers Association — agreed to board recognition for CMNEA, hoping the two groups could work together amicably, but that hasn’t happened and really never was in the cards, so different are the approaches of the two groups.
CMNEA wants a collective bargaining role. CMSTA is satisfied with meeting and conferring to present teacher concerns. State law prohibits teacher strikes, otherwise CMNEA would probably be willing to use that tactic. Collective bargaining involves exclusive representation. CMNEA wants an election among teachers to approve it as the bargaining agent, cutting out the older group.
The two groups are treated by board policy as collaborators, but unofficially they are not so compatible. Board President Jan Mees says the board is happy with its current policy.
CMNEA has been gaining members. Before long it likely will make a formal presentation for collective bargaining, and the board will have to react. The traditional MSTA approach was more tranquil. Recently the more aggressive NEA argument appeals to teachers who believe a real union might bring better contracts.
The Missouri Supreme Court has found teachers have a right to bargain collectively. School boards have a right to say “no” to demands. Union success, if any, will come largely from increased hassling over contract terms. Teachers have a right to choose what kind of relationship they will have with the board.
The old days of friendly collaboration between teachers and board are ending. I’m not sure the move toward unionism will benefit local teachers, but they certainly have a right to give it a try. If CMNEA gets serious, it will be able to force the board to hold a representation election. It won’t make an all-out push until it thinks a majority of teachers will vote for the union. If that time comes, the campaign will be contentious, creating a different atmosphere in local education. I’m not looking forward to that prospect.
9 reader comments
The opinions expressed below are those of the readers who submitted them and not those of the Tribune's reporters or editors. Readers are solely responsible for the content of their comments.

hadenuff1 says...

Given Hank's hostility towards lawful collective bargaining; aren't you glad you don't work for him?
Why, the very nerve of teachers wanting the right to unionize!
April 17, 2010 at 10:40 a.m. (  | suggest removal )

lucky2B says...

Without teacher unions, teachers would likely still be making $20,000 a year with an even worst contract. Teacher unions of the past made great advancements still impacting today’s teachers--salary and contracts. Today, in 2010, teacher unions seek not to strike but to establish the best learning conditions for students. If this were already the case, i.e. the best learning conditions for students, there would not be a need for a teacher union.

However, dissatisfied individuals, those seeking to change the status quo, organize. Teacher unions, like the NEA, have some of the most educated, passionate, organized individuals mobilizing for changes ultimately impacting our most precious resource--our kids.
In 2010, open dialogue and transparency are becoming what others associate with Columbia Public Schools. What a dynamic change!!! It is time too to change our understandings of unions. NO longer are the days of big labor bosses or unions run solely by administrators. The NEA is democratized, it is grass roots, member-driven. Strikes are not the goal---establishing the best learning environment for students is--this established through open communication and fair working conditions with upper administrators. As professionals-administrators and teachers, prin
cipals, etc. should be able to converse and discuss about what is best for students. Decisions should be made, including all of those involved.
The big difference between a union and a professional organization is-- if you think things can be better for kids, NEA shares this vision and has the resources to attain it. The other group is for you if you think things are fine and are comfortable with accepting top-down decisions rather than engaging in a discussion where all voices are valued.
Collective bargaining is not new or scary--it is only a matter of time before it becomes something we are used to doing. Nationwide many districts already do this. At the federal level, there is a focus on amending the National Labor Relations Act--The Employee Free Choice Act would give all working humans the right to organize!!!!!! It is time to embrace these changes that are already empowering teachers, who in turn empowers his/her students. What a beautiful thing.
More on: The Employee Free Choice Act---- three significant changes...
section 2 would eliminate the need for an additional ballot to require an employer recognize a union, if a majority of workers have already signed cards expressing their wish to have a union
section 3 would require that an employer begins negotiating with a union with a view to reaching a collective agreement within 90 days, and if not, the two sides will be referred to compulsory mediation, and if mediation fails, binding arbitration
section 4 increases the penalties on employers who subject workers to detriment for being involved in a union
April 17, 2010 at 12:12 p.m. (  | suggest removal )

FaaLaveLave says...

Without unions teachers would be even more ignored and disrespected than they are today.
We were not all born with silver spoons in our mouths, Hank. Some of us have to earn our way.
April 17, 2010 at 2:59 p.m. (  | suggest removal )

CTJ says...

"It is time to embrace these changes that are already empowering teachers, who in turn empowers his/her students. What a beautiful thing."
Wow, Lucky2b collective bargaining sounds like a magical, magical place. My favorite part is that the implication of your statement is that without collective bargaining teachers would not empower students. Good to know.
Let's resolve one issue right now before the discussion reaches a fever pitch. The statement below by Lucky2b:
"The big difference between a union and a professional organization is-- if you think things can be better for kids, NEA shares this vision and has the resources to attain it."
. . . is at best baseless, and at worst reprehensible. Collective bargaining is NOT about kids. It is about working conditions for employees and that is fine. Being able to bargain for salary and one's work environment is important. However, claiming that your doing it "all for the kids," is beyond the pale. If you can't separate your collective bargaining process from your important and unique gift to educate children then you are the last person I want in the classroom.
April 17, 2010 at 4:39 p.m. (  | suggest removal )

lucky2B says...

CTJ you must remember that a teacher's working environment IS the student's learning environment. When you empower teachers, treat them well--they are able to do the magic in the classroom. Collective bargaining is not magical--the committed professionals who come to school everyday to inspire learners are. Collective Bargaining sets up a a way for teachers to share their magic with others involved in the schools system through discussion, and ultimately consensus. Teachers hold it down and are the voice of students, and often parents. Too often the voice of teachers is forgotten or ignored. Collective bargaining insures that humans are treated as humans and work to determine what is best for kids. While I value your perspective, I respectfully disagree.--it is about the kids.
It takes a village..let all the villagers have a say!!!
I hope you continue to seek out more info. about collective bargaining to find the truth.
April 18, 2010 at 12:32 p.m. (  | suggest removal )

justateacherparent says...

Yes Lucky2b is correct in that a teacher's working environment IS the student's learning environment. I am at a smaller district, where most belong to the "cheaper" association, and it used to be that we, as teachers, were asked for input and suggestions and then largely ignored. Over the years it has become the custom now to not even bother asking for any input in decision-making at all. We NEED a union just to have a voice. Sure better pay and decent insurance would be great, but having a better learning environment attaining/preserving desirable teacher/student ratios is one of our teachers' biggest desires. Would this benefit teachers? Of course, but this would benefit our students' even more. Is it unreasonable to ask for 30 minutes to eat lunch or to have a morning and afternoon bathroom break? I should think not & you may think it's ridiculous to even have to make such a request, but sadly this is necessary at most won't get what you don't ask for and the other group is usually not interested in speaking up. W/out collective bargaining we have no venue to negotiate and are limited to "meet & beg" or "meet & confer".
April 18, 2010 at 4:14 p.m. (  | suggest removal )

Alwaysright says...

Teachers unions have become the collective cover of mediocrity in a profession joined by some of the least qualified of all college graduates. The unions will protect us!
April 20, 2010 at 9 a.m. (  | suggest removal )

doknfs says...

Hey Justateacher parent. Do we work for the same district? You described our situation exactly. We have all of these committees that make these proposals only to have them ignored or shot down immediately. No wonder no one wants to serve on them anymore!
April 20, 2010 at 11:52 a.m. (  | suggest removal )

justateacherparent says...

doknfs, I think most of the schools around here are in the same situation. Everyone is scared to speak up, those that do are targeted. The same people doing the work all the time and the "cheap group" getting all the benefit, if we do get anywhere. The sad thing is I don't think the public has any idea what goes on at our schools anymore, teachers have been beat down to the point that most are "scared" just to share info. w/the public that they should already know. If it weren't for tenure it'd be even worse, but most of us who do try to advocate for our students and represent "scared" fellow teachers are getting tired of beating our heads against an never-ending wall---collective bargaining, please come soon (before I retire, please!)
April 20, 2010 at 7:17 p.m. (  | suggest removal )