Friday, February 18, 2011

Get the facts, before the attacks!

It's good news the an overflow crowd has forced the Right to Work (for less) meeting to be moved. 

Due to the number of attendees, we have moved the March 8th presentation on RTW in Missouri to the MU Student Union, Stotler I.  The Union is located on Hitt Street and parking is available in the Hitt Street Garage.  Anyone you see will be able to direct you to the Union building.  The presentation will begin at 6:00 PM.  If you have questions, please call 573-882-8358, or email me at
Right to Work in Missouri 
Presented by the MU Labor Education Program, University of Missouri – Columbia 
Sponsored by the Mid-Missouri Labor Club 
Labor Education Program 
University of Missouri—Columbia 
Tuesday, March 8, 2011 
6:00-9:00 PM 

This session will consider the issue of Right-to-Work legislation in Missouri. The presentation will be based on Missouri-specific data and will include information on legal issues related to union security and RTW legislation, the current state of research on RTW, the likely impact of RTW on unions, union membership, wages, and working conditions, and the relationship between RTW, economic development, and job growth. 
No Charge with RSVP to 573-882-8358 by March 1, 2011 
Labor Education Program Phone: 573-882-8358 
MU Extension Division Fax: 573-884-5423 
University of Missouri-Columbia 
Heinkel Building Room 212 
Columbia, MO 65211-1341 
If you have any special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact 

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