Thursday, March 18, 2010


Thanks to Otto Fajen, MNEA Legislative Update

The House Ways and Means Committee will also hear HJR 56 (Ed Emery) on March 18.  HJR 56 is a proposed constitutional amendment, which, if approved by a statewide vote, would replace the state personal and corporate income taxes, corporate and bank franchise taxes, existing state sales and use taxes and local earnings taxes with a greatly expanded and increased sales tax on most sales of goods and services. In a masterstroke of Orwellian deception, proponents refer to this massive sales tax increase as the “Fair Tax.”
The state needs a responsible and sustainable tax policy to fund investment in public schools and other vital services. Perversely, the so-called “Fair Tax” proposal  would actually make Missouri's tax code profoundly less fair, less adequate and less sustainable.
This type of impractical, regressive tax change will keep Missouri from maintaining the revenue it needs to invest in public schools, public higher education and other vital public services like transportation and healthcare. 

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