Friday, February 21, 2014

Grievance Procedure Should be Bargained

It appears that the CPS school board may be slowly learning how bargaining works and that it makes sense to talk with the elected representative of your employees about work rules like a grievance procedure.  Let's hope...

School panel wants to revise staff grievance policy
Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 2:00 pm 

Full article here:

Columbia Public Schools' policy committee wants to update the district's staff grievance policy, though the district's top human resources official said the policy is rarely used.

Susan McClintic, president of the Columbia Missouri National Education Association, said a grievance policy could be something CMNEA bargains with the district about during the collective bargaining process.

Clippard, however, pointed out that many policies could be part of the collective bargaining process. The committee decided to not wait for those outcomes to have discussions.

Peter Stiepleman, assistant superintendent of elementary education, pointed out that the group's discussions could inform collective bargaining discussions.

"It does make sense for it to be a somewhat related process," Wade said.

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