There was a time when Cadillacs set the standard in cars. The assembly line making these cars was the Fleetwood Plant located on Fort and Clark St. in Detroit, Michigan. My father worked there and was a member of UAW Local 15.
It was a time before there was anything called Take Kids to Work Day. But during the holiday season the plant opened its doors to families. Consequently spouses and children toured the plant where dream cars were made. What a sight to see the place! The high ceiling and idle cranes gave the place a cathedral like sense. I didn’t understand all that happened beneath the roof but the most important thing was my dad worked there.
During that season members of Local 15 also had a Christmas party for its kids. I remember those Saturday mornings rising with expectation as I dressed for the party. What a wonderful time! Cartoon movies included Woody Woodpecker or Mighty Mouse, possibly both and more. Light refreshments were served followed by the moment all kids looked forward to, the giving of gifts. We all received one. There are two I remember vividly. One was a Mickey Mouse toy. You would have thought I had been given the map to Solomon’s treasure. The other one I received when somewhat older. It was a kid sized football and basketball. These were better than Solomon’s treasure! Oh what wonderful memories of Local 15’s love for its kids at Christmas.
Fleetwood Plant no longer exists. Torn down in the late 1990s and moved to Texas only an empty weed filled lot stands where once my cathedral stood. One could say all I have are memories but they would be wrong. I have much more. I have the knowledge that organized labor continues to remember kids and families in many ways. Union locals are significant community partners doing good work not only at Christmas but throughout the year. May it ever be so.
Blessings to all during this Advent season and in the words of Tiny Tim Cratchit, “God bless us, every one!”
Rev. Rudy A. Pulido
Liaison to Faith Community
St. Louis Labor Council, AFL CIO
Note: Rev. Pulido is doing education work for organized labor. He is visiting with individual pastors and pastor alliances to inform them of the truth behind attempts to make Missouri a Right to Work for Less state.
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