Missouri Chamber's 2013 priorities include passage of a 'right to work' law curbing union rights
The anti-labor forces in Missouri claim to be against big, intrusive government. So they plan to have the goverment ban workers from choosing to have their union dues paid through payroll deduction (United Way and anyone else will still be free to use payroll deduction).
And they think unions should be forced by the government to represent workers who don't pay dues.
And government will ban agreements between contractors and building trades unions on how construction projects will be completed.
One thing is certain - these guys will continue to talk about "local control" and the evils of big government while they try to use state government to force everyone to do as they believe.
The Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry has announced its
“aggressive list of legislative priorities’’ for the coming legislative
session -- which include measures to cut business income taxes and to
curb union rights.
The chamber says it also plans to continue its efforts to change the
state’s workers compensation system so that it once again deals with
occupational diseases, which now are handled separately in the courts.
And the chamber will lobby legislators to try once again to repair the
state’s underfunded Second Injury Fund, set up to cover workers and
military veterans who have pre-existing injuries.
The chamber's expansive wish-list was unveiled Wednesday, with its
leaders saying the aim is "to hold legislators accountable this session
for their campaign promises to support Missouri jobs..."
The state of Missouri already is phasing out the longstanding business
"franchise tax" that as of 2010 brought in almost $90 million a year in
state tax income.
The chamber now supports Republican proposals that call for cutting or eliminating all Missouri income taxes on businesses. Missouri now collects just over $340 million a year in business income taxes.
Backers say getting rid of the taxes would attract more businesses and
jobs to the state; opponents say the cuts will exacerbate state
government's existing financial problems.
Call for emulating Indiana, Missouri on labor curbs
Regarding labor, the state chamber contends that Missouri needs to join
the ranks of Indiana and Michigan, which recently passed “right to
work’’ laws that bar unions and employers from requiring all workers to
pay union dues if a majority vote to organize.
The chamber contends that Indiana has become more attractive to
business since its Republican-controlled legislature (and then-Gov.
Mitch Daniels) took such action in 2011; Michigan followed suit a few
weeks ago.
Dan Mehan
“This issue is framed as ‘business v. labor,’ but that is not the
case,” said Chamber chief executive Dan Mehan said. “Frankly, it is an
issue between labor and employees. Bottom line, employees should be
given the opportunity to choose whether or not they want to be part of a
union. Right to Work gives them that right.”
Gov. Jay Nixon, a Democrat, has declared he will veto any “right to
work’’ legislation approved by the Republican-controlled General
Assembly. The state chamber is hoping that the large veto-proof GOP
majorities in both chambers will be enough to override the governor.
The chamber said it also is promoting three other measures targeting unions:
The so-called “Paycheck Protection” proposal, which would bar payroll deduction of union dues.
A proposal to eliminate project labor agreements, also known as PLAs,
in which contractors agree to use only union workers on public
projects. “Project labor agreements stifle free trade and increases
costs unnecessarily,” Mehan said.
Proposed elimination of the state’s “prevailing wage laws” that
require that the standard wage for a particular job be applied to public
projects. The chamber says the mandate increases costs for taxpayers.
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