Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Executive Paywatch

The AFL-CIO has a new web page up called Executive Paywatch.  Check out the Facebook app, where you can compare a CEO's pay to a job similar to yours.  Check it out.

How much did your pay go up in 2010? How about your friends and family? Working people in America are hurting—that’s for sure. They’re lucky to have jobs at all—and if they have jobs, odds are their pay is pretty much flat, or worse.

Now, consider this: In 2010, the average pay of a CEO at a major American company went up by 23 percent—to $11.4 million.

Despite the collapse of the financial markets at the hands of many of these same executives less than three years ago, the disparity between CEO and workers’ pay has continued to grow to levels that are simply stunning.

Take a look at 2011 Executive PayWatch, released this morning, to find out just how outrageous things have gotten -

Instead of investing to create good middle-class jobs and grow the economy, corporate CEOs are hoarding $2 trillion in cash.

Except, of course, when it comes to their own paychecks.

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