Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Unions Moving In Transportation

As we expected, Delta workers have begun organizing.  The Mid-MO labor community supports the organizing drive and we look forward to flying a union airline from Columbia Regional!

Wednesday 02 of June, 2010
Last month, I wrote about a welcome change in the laws covering union organizing in airlines and railroads. Looks like this is causing some action:
Delta Air Lines Inc., on the heels of last month's federal rule change making it easier for aviation workers to organize, is facing a stepped-up recruitment campaign by labor organizers.
While votes haven't yet been scheduled, unions have set to work putting up information desks at airline-staff lounges and visiting employees at their homes to prepare for elections that could be held this summer. At stake are tens of thousands of flight attendants, ticket agents and baggage handlers at the world's largest airline by traffic—and the last major U.S. carrier with less than half its staff covered by union contracts.
   This may not get you a better meal on your flight but it will put more food on a worker's plate at home.

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