Friday, March 5, 2010

Your Legislature at Work

It's always interesting to search for bills that our elected officials 
have introduced on labor issues.  HB 1960, the School Construction 
Act is sponsored by Rep.  Ruestman.The bill is scheduled for a 
hearing in the Special Standing Committee on Workforce 
Development and Workplace Safety (Rep. Stephen Webber 
is a member) on Monday, March 15 at noon.  This is very late in 
the session for a  House bill to get a House hearing,   so there is 
little chance the bill will pass.   It could be amended to a bill on 
the floor though, so pay attention!

This bill establishes the School Construction Act which exempts,
except in counties with a charter form of government, the
construction and maintenance work done for a school from the
prevailing hourly wage rate requirement upon the approval of the
school board.  If a school district exempts itself, it must
notify the Division of Labor Standards within the Department of
Labor and Industrial Relations of the exemption. 

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