Monday, March 29, 2010


The Missouri State Teacher's Association continues to try to divide teachers by pushing an anti-bargaining bill in Jefferson City.  Let your representative know that all employees deserve real collective bargaining by clicking the link below.

Missouri NEA Special Legislative Update
Week 12, March 29, 2010
By Otto Fajen
MNEA Legislative Director

The House is likely to debate and vote on an amendment to HB 1543 (Maynard Wallace) to add HB 1905 (Kevin Wilson), the MSTA anti-bargaining bill for teachers on the afternoon of Monday, March 29. The language would still prevent K-12 teachers from having the same right as other public employees to elect an exclusive bargaining representative.
The bill imposes on teachers an untested, unworkable process that would interfere with existing representation, relationships and bargained agreements in districts throughout Missouri and divide existing units that include more than just teachers. This harmful bill will lead to litigation against the state and leave school districts on the hook for designing a process to elect bargaining representation.
The Association strongly opposes HB 1905. An effective bargaining process must have a unified employee voice that can effectively reach an agreement. MNEA supports legislation that would treat all public employees fairly and that is built on broad consensus among public employee groups and public employers. An effective bargaining law must ultimately provide for exclusive bargaining representation, a clear duty for both employees and employers to bargain in good faith, binding agreements with a clear ratification process and a fair process to resolve impasse and grievances.
ACTION NEEDED: Your help is needed. If you haven't already done so, please call, write or e-mail to urge your state representative to oppose Rep. Kevin Wilson's amendment to add HB 1905, the teacher anti-bargaining bill, to HB 1543 (Maynard Wallace). The following link will connect you to the MNEA Legislative Action Center Action Alert on Rep. Wilson's anti-bargaining amendment on HB 1543. The Action Alert contains a brief summary and an editable message box to help you send an email to your state representative on the issue.

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